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Unlocking Supernatural Success

People often ask us how we have achieved success and want to hear our “rags to riches” story. They are curious about our strategies and look to us for advice for their own journeys. After much thought, I have narrowed it down to three main reasons why we are successful.

1. We Seek God’s Kingdom First

When we first moved to the US, Paul was enrolled in Bible College on a student visa, and I

was his dependent. We survived by this verse: “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His

righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” 1

Our lives were focused on the Kingdom, and every decision was made through this lens.

God’s Kingdom came first. That meant missing out on some worldly events to be at prayer

meetings or volunteering at some church gathering.

I sometimes missed the mark, but God is always gracious and merciful. He has always shown

me favor. As I pursued my understanding of the Kingdom, Paul pursued the King Himself and

covered me as I grew. Together, we learned seeking the Kingdom actually meant seeking the

King. The Kingdom is in Him and in Him alone. It took me years and a few detours, but here

we are.

2. We are Faithful

Our ability to grow from glory to glory and succeed is rooted in a principle found in the

parable of the talents. 2 Matthew teaches us to steward the talents and gifts God has given

us. When we are faithful with the little, God increases it and gives us more. He is extravagant

and generous but also a good manager and steward. He will not waste His resources. Just

like in the parable, if we steward well, He will bless us with more to manage. And if we fail to

work what He has given us, what little we have will be taken and given to those who can be

fruitful and multiply it.

Stewardship is not just a question of being diligent or lazy. Fear can hinder stewardship. In

the parable, one of the men was so afraid of risk that he buried his talent and did nothing to

make it increase. But God has NOT given us a spirit of fear but of … you can probably quote

the rest. 3 But when push comes to shove, do you really believe this and live your life

accordingly? If you struggle with this, you can simply tell the spirit of fear to leave in Jesus’

name. Then, invite Holy Spirit to renew your mind, meditate on the Word, hear His voice,

and obey. Obedience increases your faith.

When we are faithful to act on what Holy Spirit leads and guides us into, our success is


Jesus is coming back soon, and like the master in the parable of the talents, He will evaluate

what we have done with what He has entrusted us—resources, time, people, family—it does ot matter. He sees everything you are doing and will reward you, so don’t be weary in well

doing. Your hard work, diligence, faithfulness, and loyalty do not go unnoticed.

3. We are Content

We have learned that godliness with contentment is great gain. 4 I knew this verse, but a few

months ago, I heard this verse—as if for the first time. Instantly, I knew it was one of the key

reasons why we have great gain, and Holy Spirit confirmed this in my spirit.

We have always been content where we were and with what the Father has blessed us. We

never coveted our neighbors' things. We lived in nice towns, so there were a lot of nice

things around us. For an immigrant couple coming from poor families with restricted means,

we had to be resourceful. We were always grateful and content and made the best of what

we had. We are generous; no matter which stage in life or economic level, we know we are

blessed to be a blessing and have always practiced that.

It does not matter how much money you do or do not have today—you can begin to walk in

supernatural provision right now. Consider Ruth. She is a biblical example of someone who lost everything and had to start from scratch in a new country. She sought the Kingdom and the King by following Naomi. She stewarded what she had and did what she could do by working the fields. She was content. She sought wisdom and obeyed God speaking to her through Naomi’s instructions. This unlocked success in her life.

God can bring you increase as you 1). Seek the King and His Kingdom, 2). Be faithful and

steward what He has given you, and 3). Be content where you are and with what you have. As

you put into practice and walk out these three principles, watch how your life and everything

about it goes from glory to glory. Your success is inevitable, it cannot be otherwise.

1 Matthew 6:33, NKJV.

2 See Mathew 25:14-30.

3 See 1 Timothy 1:7.

4 See 1 Timothy 6:6.

© 2023 Yvonne Allen. All Rights Reserved.

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